Ric Frye friendica

I am an old audiodawg with lots of noise to share

Over the years I have accumulated lots of recordings of songs people have never heard, or versions unheard even if the song was recognizable to them because the player was unknown.

There are many that are originals composed by friends & jam buddies that are nice little ditties I have been given permission to share. I think this is a lovely spot to do just that & while the copyrights will always belong to the songwriters the sharing permissions for each file will be attribution + noncommercial + no derivatives.

I'd like to start with one by my sister in song , Chey Soul. Our friend Cory had secured a little funding from our county's historical preservation society to do a number of 30 minute radio shows to be broadcast on our local low-power community FM radio station and she needed a theme song for it.

Chey volunteered the use of her song "River Of Time" so a bunch of us gathered at The Windy Ridge Saloon one morning to do a recording of it before the place opened that day.

I had made an offhand comment before about how some brushes might be nice on the drum track so Dakota Dean had stayed up all night YouTube-ing about brushes since he had never used them in all his years as a percussionist and wanted to give them a whirl.

There was a tall, amiable fellow I had never worked with before (or since) named "Cranky" that showed up with an acoustic guitar that had he had repaired after the headstock had been broken off the neck & the whole instrument thereby discarded. He played it as a lap steel with a slide & only wanted to do the lead part but seriously tried to get in there on all of it in spite of using a different tuning that made it hard for him to make certain chords.

Chey played her acoustic electric & sang while her husband John played bass. During mixdown I plugged Pinky in & added a track just to put a bit more stereo separation into the mix because Cranky's track wasn't quite as congruent with Chey's guitar as we hoped & we ended up only using his solo, just as he preferred.

Even though a final, more polished, mix was planned, this rough mix was deemed good enough for the radio show & that's what they went with.

Chey liked the direction the mixes were going but thought her vocals were too loud & I wanted to pull a couple of "honks", the sound of an acoustic/electric feeding back, of her guitar down in the final mixdown. Maybe someday.

In the meantime, here's "River Of Time" as it is so far. I think it summarizes what this domain is about to a certain degree as we ride time's river going forward from right now.