Ric Frye pinned item friendica

Welcome to The World Party!

This domain was registered and the Friendica software uploaded during a time period in which I was locked out of the Twit machine as the protests over George Floyd's murder were breaking. This is my reaction to the TwitGawdz declaring me a "spammer" for my re-tweets & giving me my first ever "time out".

This domain is my gift to folks who believe in Democratic Socialism and it's very simple:

--if you believe Democratic Socialism works you may belong here at this domain

--if you do not believe in Democratic Socialism you just might not, it's up to you

I do not belong to the faceborg so I registered this domain to add another node on a decentralized system, a node focused on UsNotMe & NotMeUs.

I set this up to give like-minded persons a place to relate to one another without the rest of the planet looking over your shoulder like Twitter & other popular centralized capitalist networks do. A place each of us can have a little space get to know one another better and build more solidarity while we work to build an international coalition of people with understandings similar to our own working towards a peaceful and prosperous legacy for the children of this only green planet circling our sun.

The basic TOS is simple: Be Most Excellent To One Another. I think that has one that is hard to beat, so I'm going to go with that for those who need stuff spelled out in greater detail. It can be found at this link:

Ric Frye friendica

Our Site Logo


Since there was still no group signed up to meet with after 30 days now (wistful sigh!) I lobbied myself into choosing this graphic for our site's logo. Hope it is something everyone will be able to live with because it looks a little cross-eyed & goofy at 32 pixels.

On another note: The hosting & domain registration is paid up for the next two years & I will be working on getting that extended farther into the future just in case I'm not smarter than a certain virus, LOL! That would give whomever the UsNotMe around here is going to be some time to plan for themselves if they wanted to keep the domain going wherever in cyberspace they want to keep it.

This project was born out of the love I have for the wonderful peeps that decided I was worth a follow at a certain popular commercial platform in order to provide a non-commercial alternative space for community building & info sharing. And a place to hang when we get suspended over there!

Mainly, though, it's simply an experiment with a non-commercial social media platform with the mission of putting a DemSoc node on the network & give Berners who don't want to be faceborg an alternative # platform to share.

Ric Frye friendica

I am an old audiodawg with lots of noise to share

Over the years I have accumulated lots of recordings of songs people have never heard, or versions unheard even if the song was recognizable to them because the player was unknown.

There are many that are originals composed by friends & jam buddies that are nice little ditties I have been given permission to share. I think this is a lovely spot to do just that & while the copyrights will always belong to the songwriters the sharing permissions for each file will be attribution + noncommercial + no derivatives.

I'd like to start with one by my sister in song , Chey Soul. Our friend Cory had secured a little funding from our county's historical preservation society to do a number of 30 minute radio shows to be broadcast on our local low-power community FM radio station and she needed a theme song for it.

Chey volunteered the use of her song "River Of Time" so a bunch of us gathered at The Windy Ridge Saloon one morning to do a recording of it before the place opened that day.

I had made an offhand comment before about how some brushes might be nice on the drum track so Dakota Dean had stayed up all night YouTube-ing about brushes since he had never used them in all his years as a percussionist and wanted to give them a whirl.

There was a tall, amiable fellow I had never worked with before (or since) named "Cranky" that showed up with an acoustic guitar that had he had repaired after the headstock had been broken off the neck & the whole instrument thereby discarded. He played it as a lap steel with a slide & only wanted to do the lead part but seriously tried to get in there on all of it in spite of using a different tuning that made it hard for him to make certain chords.

Chey played her acoustic electric & sang while her husband John played bass. During mixdown I plugged Pinky in & added a track just to put a bit more stereo separation into the mix because Cranky's track wasn't quite as congruent with Chey's guitar as we hoped & we ended up only using his solo, just as he preferred.

Even though a final, more polished, mix was planned, this rough mix was deemed good enough for the radio show & that's what they went with.

Chey liked the direction the mixes were going but thought her vocals were too loud & I wanted to pull a couple of "honks", the sound of an acoustic/electric feeding back, of her guitar down in the final mixdown. Maybe someday.

In the meantime, here's "River Of Time" as it is so far. I think it summarizes what this domain is about to a certain degree as we ride time's river going forward from right now.

Ric Frye friendica

My little pix folder

Here's a link to my little folder I created at a domain that had been idle a couple years too long: No need for a lot of comparing notes or intellectualizing. Let's just get it done!

NOTE: For a few years the only content this domain had was the screenshot of its inception, which occurred in a splendidly snarky comment by a user in an internet chat. I checked & the domain was available so I posted my comment as a signal that it was open & could be registered but no one got my point & my buddy ShonanGreg tried to Rickroll me into YouTube as I found when I copied the link in the reply he posted & pasted it into a search engine instead of clicking on it.

I waited a few weeks to give anyone from the discussion time to register it & then went ahead & 'RicRolled' it into my cluster. There is still nothing much at the root folder. Currently ALL the action is at forward slash main where the meme orchard grows.
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