Ric Frye friendica

My little pix folder

Here's a link to my little folder I created at a domain that had been idle a couple years too long: No need for a lot of comparing notes or intellectualizing. Let's just get it done!

NOTE: For a few years the only content this domain had was the screenshot of its inception, which occurred in a splendidly snarky comment by a user in an internet chat. I checked & the domain was available so I posted my comment as a signal that it was open & could be registered but no one got my point & my buddy ShonanGreg tried to Rickroll me into YouTube as I found when I copied the link in the reply he posted & pasted it into a search engine instead of clicking on it.

I waited a few weeks to give anyone from the discussion time to register it & then went ahead & 'RicRolled' it into my cluster. There is still nothing much at the root folder. Currently ALL the action is at forward slash main where the meme orchard grows.